AI Assisted Automated Testing

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This course is designed for software testers who are eager to dive into automated testing but lack programming skills. In this course, you’ll discover how AI-driven tools can simplify the creation and execution of automated test scripts, making automated testing accessible even to those without a coding background. In the past if you wanted to use programming as a tool you had two choices - learn how to be a programmer or pay a programmer. With the arrival of AI there is now a third option, use AI to write the code and learn how to interpret the results. Through hands-on exercises, practical examples, and guided tutorials, you'll learn to leverage AI to build, manage, and optimise automated tests across various software applications.

Note on technology
This course is technology-agnostic, focusing on concepts and methodologies that can be applied across any testing framework or tool. By the end of the course, participants will have the confidence and skills to design automated test cases, execute them effectively, and integrate AI-assisted testing into their daily workflows. The course can be customised to align with the specific tools and technology stack used by your organisation.

Suggested Technology Stacks: PHP, Java with Spring Framework, Node.js, Angular, React
Automated Test Tools: Selenium, Cypress, Playwright

Introduction to Automated Testing

Explore the basics of automated testing, including its benefits and common challenges. Understand the differences between manual and automated testing, and the role AI can play in enhancing automated testing processes.

Introduction to AI

Introduction to ChatGPT and its capabilities
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Neural Network
Natural Language Processing
Large Language Models

Using AI To Write Test Cases

Using AI to design effective test cases
Prioritising test cases
Risk based testing
Using AI tools to and optimise test scenarios

Using AI For Programming

AI can write code!
Some basic examples
Writing simple code for the chosen tech stack

General Prompt Engineering Principles

Garbage In Garbage Out
Be clear and specific
Provide context
Avoid bias
Iterative Refinement
Open vs Closed prompts

Improving Your Prompts


Using AI For Setup

We will use AI to get instructions to set up our development / test environments
Prompting for instructions on installing the technology stack
Installing development environment and automated testing tools
Creating an automated test project
Writing our first tests

Using AI To Write Automated Test Scripts

A first automated test
Turning test cases into automated test scripts
Engineering failures to test the tests
Running a suite of test cases
Interpreting Your Results

Configuring Continuous Integration

Storing project in Github
Configuring project to run tests when code is checked in

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